Gebeya Associates Bootcamp


Go from Tired to Hired. Prepare for the workplace and watch your employers jaw drop through this 30-day intensive training for fresh graduates

Why Gebeya ?

Johnny Circle

From intern to department lead in less than 18 months

” There were no stupid questions. It was a really supportive environment.”

– Yonathan Tesfaye

Emnet Circle

Hiding herself in online courses to managing global talents in 10 months

“My internship was really insightful and I got to learn from international experts.”

– Emnet Biruk

Want to stand out in the job market?

Tell us,

✅  Are you looking to join as a paid intern?

✅  Are you exhausted, anxious and lost?

✅  Are you confused on how to apply for a job?

✅ Do you fear you don’t have enough skills to excel in the workforce?

✅ Are you scared you don’t know what the workplace will be like?

Then G-Associates is perfect for you.


team of freelance experts

In this 30-day training, you will get:

African software developer

Exclusive insights into what the workplace is like

freelance talent

Skills that will blow your employers’ minds away

freelance talent

Insights into what employers want and how you can use that to grow

What Previous Interns Say

Michael Kebede

Now: Data Engineer

Time after internship: 18 months

​One of the biggest things I learned was how to present myself professionally. I became good at email writing, became more curious, learned the Google Suite tools, Google Sheets and Tableau and I now create visualizations and also expand my knowledge in the data analysis subject. I help the talent specialists vet talents as well.


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Feven Tsegaye

Now: A talent specialist working with global talents

Time after internship: 12 months

Even if my tasks change every week, I don’t feel scared to take them on. I still meet my targets confidently. I have learned to be adaptable, a team player, productive, manage my time and think proactively. I have also become great with Google Suite tools and formal email writing that help me in my day to day work.


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Abigail Abebe

Now: Marketing Associate

Time after internship: 18 months

In 18 months, I have grown from admin assistant to executive assistant to marketing associate. What I learned in my internship really helped with this. Besides being proficient in G-Suite, the biggest things I learned were how to handle people, how to be professional, and how to approach my work life.

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Elshaday Endale

Now: A talent specialist working with global talents

Time after internship: 12 months

​It’s exciting to work in an environment that is constantly evolving, innovating, and challenging me to grow. Just 6 months after my internship, I am now proficient in the process of sourcing, vetting, and placing talents from A to Z on a global scale, not to mention I am also experienced on Fresh desk and G Suite. I am currently part of the Talent Operations and Talent Acquisition teams, which use multidisciplinary approaches to keep talents stay engaged and help them grow. At work, I aim to improve processes and tools to achieve this goal.


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Free for the first 50 people